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Sunday services | discipleship teams | Gatherings

Service Information

English Service

10am Every Sunday

Family Friendly

w/ Kids Church Every Fortnight

Holy Communion

First Sunday of Each Month

Join in-Person

103 Bowen St, Camberwell 3124


Latest sermon

Thanks for the past. Prayer for the future (Col 1:1-24)

What we Believe?

As an Anglican Church, we believe that the Apostles’Nicene and Athanasian Creeds, along with the 39 Articles and Prayer Book faithfully re ect the teachings in the Bible. As a reformed evangelical church, we adhere to the principles of scripture alone, grace alone, faith alone, Christ alone to the glory of God alone.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a thriving multicultural, multilingual and multigenerational gospel-shaped community

Our Mission

Our mission is to make, mature and mobilise disciples of Jesus Christ from every nation of God’s glory

Our Values

Our shared values are faith, love an hope

Why not Join a

Discipleship team?

Our church’s mission is to make, mature and mobilise disciples of Jesus Christ from every nation. One of the ways we can do this together is by being part of a Discipleship Team. You may have called these bible study or small groups in the past. What we love about Discipleship Teams is that as we sit under God’s word, pray for each other, encourage, spur and build each other up, we can grow in maturity as disciples of Jesus together.

So, as team members of a Discipleship team, we are all in it together We do not participate passively, but actively. So when a team member is down, we rally behind them. When a team member struggles, we all share their struggles. When a team member rejoices, we rejoice with them, for we belong to the same team! So, why not come along on Sunday and speak to David about joining a Discipleship Team today.

Discipleship teams meet in a number of locations on different nights. Please let David know if you’re interested in joining a team.

Got Questions?

Christianity Explored is a seven-session course that gives people the time and space to think about the big questions of life and to explore the life of the man at the heart of the Christian faith.

As they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, why he came and what it means to follow him. 

Watch the short intro video below and learn more about the course.

Interested in joining us? Contact David at [email protected]​ to sign up.

Rev. David Huynh
Senior Ministor

David Huynh is the senior minister of Camberwell South Anglican Church and the chairman of Connect Ministry. 

He is passionate about long-term parish ministry, raising leaders for the next generation and ultimately seeing people follow Jesus to the glory of God. 

David is married to Kylie and they have four children; Maddie, Liam, Peter and Evie. They love going to the park, making up pretend stories together and being generally very noisy and very silly.