About CSAC

What we believe | our history | our people

What we


As an Anglican Church, we believe that the Apostles’Nicene and Athanasian Creeds, along with the 39 Articles and Prayer Book faithfully re ect the teachings in the Bible.

As a reformed evangelical church, we adhere to the principles of scripture alone, grace alone, faith alone, Christ alone to the glory of God alone.

Our Vision

As a church, our vision and mission is shaped by God’s plans and purposes for the world (Genesis 12:1-3; Matthew 28:18-20 and Revelation 7:9-12).

When Jesus returns, there will be people from every people and nation gathered around his throne singing praises to him. When we couple this with Jesus’ command to make disciples of every nation, it becomes very clear that the church God is building around the world and throughout history is multicultural, multilingual and multigenerational. Accordingly, Camberwell South Anglican Church wants to be swept up with God’s plans and purposes and re ect as closely as possible the breadth of God’s salvation that will come to full light when Christ returns.

Our Mission

As a church we believe that it is the responsibility and privilege of every Christian to be making, maturing and mobilising disciples. We have expressed this in our mission statement.

However, making, maturing and mobilising disciples is not something we do by ourselves or occasionally. Rather, as the Holy Spirit works in and through us, it is something we can do as we go about our daily lives. That is why the culture of our church will be shaped by faith, love and hope.

Our Shared Values

As a church we believe that it is the responsibility and privilege of every Christian to be making, maturing and mobilising disciples. We have expressed this in our mission statement.

A Brief History

Est. 1918
In the early 1900s, the current location of the church buildings and its surrounds were sparsely settled, served with poor roads, and contained market-gardens, violet farms and much vacant land. By 1916, it had slowly developed with the advent of the tram to Burwood. It was around this time that the Senior Minister of St John’s Camberwell, Rev. A. Roscoe Wilson, suggested planting a church in Camberwell South. In 1918, John Payne donated a piece of land for this purpose, other monies were raised and the doors of St Mary’s were opened on 10 August 1918.
Throughout 20th Century
Since the church was formed, it grew to become a thriving community, reaching its peak in the 1940’s under Rev. C. R. C. Tidmarsh. It celebrated its Silver Jubilee and had several thriving Societies. However, since the 1980’s the church suffered dramatic decline, even to the point of being considered by the Diocese in 2011 for closure or amalgamation with another, stronger parish.
A New Beginning
At the same time, David and Kylie Huynh had been praying for a number of years that God would allow them to serve in replanting a small, dying parish. God provided the opportunity in February 2012 when David was appointed the new Senior Minister of St Mary’s Anglican Church Camberwell South. As a church we are still in a stage of infancy as the church slowly grows in number, strength and maturity. We look forward to continuing to serve together as coworkers with Christ, and seeing what God will do in this church and community for His kingdom and glory.
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More on our


Learn more about our history in Camberwell South Anglican Church, A History of The Church’s Second Half Century, written and published by David Ashton in 2018

"Times, demographics and community attitudes change, but the church’s mission as it embarks on its second century is the same as it has always been: to be a vital, open and welcoming place, which burns as a bright beacon of hope in the local community, proclaiming Jesus Christ’s loving sacrifice for humanity."

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God's Champion (1 Samuel 17)

Our Team

Rev. David Huynh
Senior Ministor

David Huynh is the senior minister of Camberwell South Anglican Church and the chairman of Connect Ministry. 

He is passionate about long-term parish ministry, raising leaders for the next generation and ultimately seeing people follow Jesus to the glory of God. 

David is married to Kylie and they have four children; Maddie, Liam, Peter and Evie. They love going to the park, making up pretend stories together and being generally very noisy and very silly.